Majestic 8FM776

Majestic 8FM776


Bands: AM, FM

Tube Lineup: 6BA6, 6BE6, 6SG7, 6SG7, 6SH7, 6S8, 25L6, 25Z5

At a VRPS auction in 2001, this Majestic console didn't win any bidders at an auction because of its poor shape and large size. I innocently glanced at it after the auction and the owner noticed, so I ended up taking it home for free because the owner didn't want to haul it back home. It was my first major restoration project involving cabinet refinishing and electrical restoration that served as a valuable learning experience. The radio comes with a phonograph player, AM and FM and has a storage compartment for holding record albums. A few years later a man who had fond childhood memories of this specific radio model found my website and made a generous offer that I accepted.

Majestic 8FM776

Majestic 103

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Jon Stanley