My photos from the Kutztown XLIII radio show

On May 7 and 8, 2021, a year after they were forced to cancel a show due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club (DVHRC) held the 43rd edition of their famous antique radio swap meet at Renningers in Kutztown, PA. They were able to hold one this past fall, but I was unable to make it due to travel restrictions. The club didn't hold an auction this time around, but the ever-so-blasphemous bonfire went on as normal (albeit started a bit early due to impending rains). On Saturday, the empty half of the second pavilion was occupied by conventional flea market sellers, and as usual, festivities wound down around noon.

As with the fall before last, I mostly focused on non-radio subjects since others do such a good job taking photos of the more conventional antique radios which show up there, though I did take some photos of regular radios as well. Also, I once again took a bunch of photos of some of the cabinets which were 'sacrificed' to the bonfire pit so that other radios may have space to live in; this ended up filling the memory card of my Nikon D60 DSLR so I didn't have a chance to take photos on Saturday, but you should get a pretty good idea of what was there. Once again, enjoy!

My campsite on Friday morning:

More campsites nearby:

And another one; why they were sleeping on that cot instead of in the van is beyond me:

A shot of the parking area:

Another view:

And another:

View inside the main pavilion, where there were fewer folks wearing masks than I would've preferred:

A nice EH Scott console; guessing the seller had the knobs stashed away:

The jukebox group was there on Friday as usual, with a nice AMI:

Another view:

Two boatanchor radios, a Hammarlund SP-600 and a National HRO-7:

Another boatanchor, a Hallicrafters S-36A:

A table full of wooden radios:

A table with radios and some other stuff, including a Betamax 'porta-pack' VCR:

Some sort of 'indicating polyphase wattmeter' which I might've bought if I thought I could use it:

A neat old Silvertone radio similar to one my great-grandfather had:

Another table of radios:

A neat old cassette deck:

An old Wimshurst Machine:

another view, plus a small brass electric fan:

A nice McIntosh MC2100 power amplifier, which is solid-state despite its looks:

A Western Union Self-Winding Clock from the '30s or '40s, which helped keep the trains running on time:

A table full of audio gear, plus a few radios:

An early RCA TV sitting on top of a Zenith console:

Another table of old radios:

A couple of TU-5-B transmitter tuning units, used as part of WWII transmitters like BC-191 and BC-375:

A rusty communications receiver of some sort, possibly an Eddystone or a home-brew using a similar dial:

Definitely not radar equipment, no matter what the name tells you:

A Hammarlund HQ-140X receiver:

Another early RCA TV, though a bit newer than the first one:

A bunch of old phones:

More old phones:

A Hallicrafters SX-42 receiver:

A large SECO tube tester:

Another view:

A Racal RA-17 receiver:

An early Hallicrafters 505 TV:

A gigantic Telefunken E304 receiver, for which the term 'boatanchor' seems like an understatement:

A view of the insides of the Telefunken:

An RCA SSB-1 communications device:

Another large tube tester:

A very large tube sitting next to it which it probably can't test:

More of that seller's boatanchors:

An early HP audio oscillator:

Another table of old radios:

An early Kenwood stereo receiver:

A Bendix BC-639A military VHF receiver:

A Hallicrafters SX-25 receiver, in rough shape:

Another table of audio gear:

A table of European radios:

A bunch of vintage 'white van' speakers:

One of several Atwater Kent 'breadboard' radios which showed up:

A National NC-101X "moving coil" receiver:

A Westinghouse TBY military transceiver from WWII:

The innards of a B&W ham radio transmitter:

Some R-390A IF decks, plus a universal remote of some sort:

A table of communications gear, plus some old radios:

Not sure if it's a radio or what:

A plastic pith helmet sitting nearby:

Yet another table of audio gear:

An Atwater Kent 55/60 chassis, plus various parts:

A Gladding Radio Direction Finder which looks to have been a copy of a Ray-Jefferson 630 I have:

A seller with a bunch of radio T-shirts:

An EH Scott 800B radio chassis:

I have no idea what it does, but I dubbed it "The Electrocutioner":

A modern take on the classic Predicta TV with a color CRT:

Another view of the "Predicta":

The radio repair bench at the club table:

An ESE digital timer of some sort, which I naturally ended up buying:

Another table of old radios, plus some audio gear:

The rest of the audio gear:

A Hallicrafters "Sky Buddy" and a TU-6A "transmitter tuning unit" similar to the TU-5-B seen earlier:

Yet another table of old radios, plus some tubes:

A "Superheterodyne Training Unit", probably from the '50s or '60s:

Rear view of the trainer:

All sorts of radio books and paperwork:

The always-amazing table set up by "Waves":

A Nagra reel-to-reel tape recorder, built like a tank:

Another view of the Nagra:

A table with some nice plastic radios:

A Sparton 557 or 558 "Sled" radio:

Another view of the "Sled", which was very hard to photograph:

Some near radios, plus signs and knick-knacks:

A Bell & Howell 16mm (I think) movie camera from the '30s:

The NEARC club table, featuring "Tom's Tubes":

A Zenith "shutter dial" console radio:

A table with several wooden radios, plus clocks and other stuff:

An early electric alarm clock:

A table with some nice wooden radios:

Lots of early speakers:

A table with a few radios, plus lots of neat stuff:

The one outside vendor which showed up:

Another view of the outside vendor:

Over in the second pavilion, a Collins R-392 military receiver with manual and matching LS-166 speaker:

A table with all sorts of interesting audio gear:

A rare Advent 450S mini stereo receiver:

A pair of Technics turntables:

Another table of audio gear:

"What does it mean, 'exact change'?" An old fare box:

Another McIntosh power amplifier, this time a MC75 tube monoblock:

A Collins R-390A military receiver, made for them by Motorola:

Another Wimshurst Machine:

An early non-dial payphone:

A Collins 75A-4 receiver:

A McMurdo-Silver radio chassis of some sort:

An early RCA "roundie" color TV set, which worked to some extent:

A table with wooden and plastic radios:

A Philco 39-116RX console radio with the "Mystery Control" remote:

Close-up of the "Mystery Control":

Another B&W transmitter, in its cabinet this time:

An early Telechron clock, possibly a 101 without its back-box:

A Pioneer tabletop stereo of some sort:

Another table of vintage audio gear:

A vintage field phone of some sort:

An Atwater Kent (I think) 'grandfather clock' radio:

A table with a bunch of test equipment and comms gear:

A table with various early radios and whatnot:

Various plastic radios and other stuff:

Some later radios, test equipment, and what looks like an early portable radio:

A Hallicrafters HT-37 transmitter:

Lots of nice wooden radios:

And right next to it, some nice plastic radios (plus at least one wooden set):

A table loaded with classic boatanchor radios, plus an early battery set:

More classic communications equipment:

A Ten-Tec Argonaut mini CW transceiver:

A Hallicrafters S-108 receiver:

A Hallicrafters S-20R receiver:

Some Collins S-line/KW gear, wrapped in plastic for your protection:

Think this is some sort of test equipment or comms gear, made by "Fischer":

A Soundesign "Trendsetter" console stereo with a built-in color organ:

A trio of Panasonic "plunger" 8-track players, plus some 'Panapet' transistor radios:

Some more modern ham radio gear:

A Dynaco Stereo 400 power amplifier from the early '70s:

Another view of the ST-400:

A National NC188 communications receiver, with its matching speaker:

A trailer full of classic radio gear:

An RCA AR-8503 longwave receiver, part of the "RAZ-1" set:

Another view of the contents of the trailer, mostly Hallicrafters but also an RME receiver:

A pair of Sansui stereo components:

An RCA TV console from the '50s:

Later on in the day, this Caprice Classic station wagon showed up in the parking lot:

Spotted in the farm field out back. No idea what it was doing there:

The Bonfire!


Some collectors may find these images highly disturbing. You have been warned!
The images of the ever-so-blasphemous bonfire can be found:


Anyway, that's it for my photos. Again, would've taken more if my camera's memory card hadn't filled up. Can't wait for the next Kutztown show!